My Surreptitious Love

Prizma Chapagain
2 min readApr 30, 2021

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity…” (John Muir)

I knew at the first glance itself when I saw vague distant mountains from the top of my home. It intrigued me right away. How could something so vague and distant still stand so intimate? What would it be like to be embraced in its arms? Is that what mortals call “heaven”? Is it outrageously beautiful because it is far-flung from human beings? From that day onward, I have always wondered about the mountains. Well, I tried to quench my insatiable curious heart by visiting them. It indubitably answered my questions but made me fall for it even more as they hold a lot more than just some mere answers.

I sometimes just wonder why I like mountains so much. Is it because of its immortal shine? Is it the shape of the mountains that keeps me in wonder? Are the big secrets they hold or is it because they seem so dangerous yet beautiful and harmless? It keeps me hypnotized and captured in its spell-boundedness where there is no way I could get out of it. If this is not magic, then I don’t know what is.

They have “mountained” my compassion and respect towards nature even more. The cool fresh breeze of the mountains washed my spirit and made me realize the ME within me. I like mountains because it is the whole package of everything I want in myself

Everything leading to the mountains is prepossessing. My trekking experience made me realize the trails to the mountains are so beautiful because it holds mystery, keeps you going, gives you hope of a beautiful end, and of course, the variety of people you meet on the way with a mutual destination. Isn’t life also the same? That’s what I want my life to be…just like the trails of the mountain: crooked, adventurous, beautiful, mysterious; but an amazing view at the end of the hustle.

John Muir’s “The mountains are calling and I must go ‘’ started making a lot more sense. Once you visit them, you adopt a strong addiction to the mountains. When your spirit ties knot with the light fresh breeze of the mountains, there is no turning back. I try visiting my long-distance relationship partner at least once a year and every time we meet, it is always like the first time: same purity, same love, same spark, and the same urge to stay together a bit longer than the last time.

My mountains are calling me and I must go.

